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Starts 14th March

Fortnightly on Sundays 4-6pm

Online via Zoom

Yoga & Mindfulness

for Stress & Anxiety

Finding Calm

Yoga & Mindfulness for Stress & Anxiety

A 12 week journey to wellness 

Is stress or anxiety affecting your ability to live your life happily and at ease?  Everyone feels stressed or anxious from time to time, it is a natural response and essential to our survival. HOWEVER, an excess of stimulating information can send our body and mind into overdrive making it harder and harder to switch off and relax.  


On this course you will learn different techniques to deal with the physical, emotional and mental effects of anxiety and stress. Having an understanding of and compassion for these human conditions, rather than fearing or ignoring them, is beneficial and empowering.


The course consists of six live, interactive two hour workshops (held over Zoom), spread over three months, with a Facebook support group, personal practices and homework in between sessions.


What will I learn?

During this course you will:


  • Explore the root causes of stress and anxiety and understand why we feel stressed and anxious

  • Practice yoga to build and strengthen your emotional resilience

  • Learn about how the body's nervous system works and how we can influence it

  • Learn breathing techniques to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety

  • Understand how the brain works and learn how to respond rather than react to challenging situations

  • Feel more empowered and confident

  • Practice mindfulness tools which you can use everyday
  • Discover how you can improve your sleep
  • Build a regular yoga, meditation and mindfulness home practice
  • Put together your own 'Mental Health' Toolkit to take forward for the rest of your life


When does it run?

The course will run from 14th March until the 23rd May and the live sessions are deliberately spaced out to give time for students to put the contents of the course into practice in real life in between workshops. Regular habits take time to be cultivated so that you can consciously help yourself whenever you need to manage your emotions yourself and find calm.


Dates of the live sessions are as follows:


Session 1 - Sunday 14th March - 4-6pm

Session 2 - Sunday 28th March - 4-6pm

Session 3 - Sunday 11th April - 4-6pm

Session 4 - Sunday 25th April - 4-6pm

Session 5 - Sunday 9th May - 4-6pm

Session 6 - Sunday 23rd May - 4-6pm


Additional time will also be given after the sessions to answer individual questions.


What will a session look like?

Each session will build on previous work done and will be made up as follows:


  • Opening meditation / breathing practice

  • Check in with each other / discussion

  • Lecture – with accompanying handouts/workbook

  • Yoga Practices / Meditation

  • Homework setting

  • Q&A session (optional 15 minutes)


A workbook and handouts will accompany the course together with other resources (a mixture of information and recordings of various practices). Homework practices will be set and an online support group via Facebook will allow fellow students to keep in touch, support each other and provide accountability.


This is an interactive course which encourages participants to participate rather than just be lectured to. It is optional how much students choose to contribute to discussions and share their experiences, but a supportive, safe space will be created where students feel nurtured and supported on their own personal journey.


Homework will be set and students will be encouraged to practice between sessions to gain the maximum benefit from the course.

What will it cost?

Full Price: £199

Early Bird Price: £149 (valid for the first 10 people who sign up before 5th March 2021)


The full price of this course is £199 but I want you to invest in your wellbeing so have the following offers and options for you:


Take advantage of the Early Bird discount and book this course now at the special offer price of just £149. This offer will be removed after 10 students have signed up.


Alternatively, if you would prefer to spread the cost (and as long as you sign up before 5th March) you can pay in two instalments with one payment of £80 and a second payment of £75* due by Friday 23rd April. 





* total cost of instalments would be £155 (less £10 if you have also previously booked the workshop) 


What do I get?

The price of the course includes:


  • Six two hour long live interactive workshops via Zoom (with an optional 15 minute Q&A at the end of each session)

  • Access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share experiences and support fellow course members

  • Gentle movements to release tension and decrease stress and anxiety

  • Breathing practices to balance the nervous system

  • Relaxations to soothe the body and and meditations to calm and quieten the mind

  • Techniques to enhance feelings of inner strength and resilience

  • Recordings to practice along to at home

  • Optional music and background suggestions to play whilst you practice

  • A course workbook and handouts with details of the techniques covered


Accept this invitation and join me on a transformational journey to reduce suffering, understand more about stress and anxiety and what you can do to help the body and mind work together in harmony.


Feel empowered, armed with increased knowledge, greater resilience, and practical techniques that work to help you in finding calm.​


Book the Finding Calm Workshop and receive a special discount code to use at the checkout when booking the full Finding Calm Course to give you a further £10 off!

About Jo

Having lived with stress, anxiety and depression at various times in my life, I know how draining and debilitating it can be and what an effort it can be to overcome. Yoga has helped me become more accepting of challenges, remain calmer in stressful situations and become more mentally resilient.


I have practiced yoga for over 20 years, increasingly grateful for its many benefits. Since qualifying as a yoga teacher, I have focused on mental wellbeing, taking several courses and studying with the Minded Institute. I have volunteered for Solent Mind and regularly teach yoga at a Psychiatric Unit.

Over time, I have built up a wealth of experience and have a variety of practices and techniques that I have in my 'mental health toolkit' which I would love to share with you. 

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